
Music :: Artwork

We don't have a commercial release yet. But you don't have to wait until then to hear our songs. You can download seven songs from the demos we recorded in the summer of 2000 and the spring of 2003.


This music free to share under a Creative Commons Music Sharing License

2000 demo

Lost In Action (1.43 Mb) An anthem for television warfare, recorded long before 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' started.

Chatbox Cherry (1.99 Mb) You're on the internet. A great place to fall in love.

Whopper (2.08 Mb) Cruising for burgers, that's what punks ought to do. (And failing in love off course.)

2003 demo

Always on my Mind (2.52 Mb) A mindfucking masterpiece.

Surfer Girl (2.51 Mb) We are beach boys too!

Summertime (2.27 Mb) If you don't wanna come out and play.

Therapy Addict (1.57 Mb) For lonely boys and desperate girls.